Dethatching is the process of removing thatch from your lawn. Thatch is a layer of dead or dying grass and other materials that can accumulate on the soil beneath a lawn. A thin layer of thatch (about a half-inch) is beneficial to your lawn. It provides insulation for your lawn against temperature fluctuations and also increases your lawn’s resiliency. However, when thatch becomes thick, it can hinder your lawn from having that full, green look that we all desire for our lawns. When thatch becomes excessively thick, it can hurt your lawn in several ways.

Why You Should Want Your Lawn Dethatched:

  • Thatch can cause harm to your grass, decreasing its beauty and health
  • Roots below it are left vulnerable to desiccation (drying out)
  • Wet thatch retains water and blocks the oxygen flow to the grass’ roots
  • Thick thatch can also decrease your lawns beauty because, as your lawn is mowed, the mower’s wheels sink into the thatch and cause the height of the cut to drop sharply
  • A thick layer of thatch is also the perfect place for disease-causing organisms and insects to live and cause damage to your lawn

Whatcom Lawns, Inc
530 E. Wiser Lake Rd
Lynden, WA 98264
(360) 354-5124